Distraction potty training
When it comes to IPT distraction can be a good or bad thing. On the good side, distraction can help your baby relax, which means they can "walk" faster. If your baby is crying or fussing, you do not necessarily need to take them off right away. This may be the reason she fuss is that she needs to go potty training books. There are many good ways to distract your baby, in order to allow them to calm down. Here are some things that work for us:- Let your baby looked at herself in the mirror
Run some water
- Talking baby
Shake rattle
Tapping on the wall
- Singing to the baby
Read a story ( usually when they are older )
- To keep them a toy
However, the use of too frequent, distraction can be your worst enemy. If your baby is too distracted by what you are doing, she will not focus on the business at hand, which may lead to frustration. When using only the necessary distraction. Remember, when it 's potty, not storytelling. In addition to preventing the baby from focusing on what she needs to do potty, it may lose its potency when you really need to do the work distraction. It's easy to get caught if you put them distracted baby potty habits, but resist the urge ! Use it only when necessary, you will find that your trip to the potty fast and pleasant.
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